Проект Romantic Collection
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railman, 43 - 24 августа 2011 18:25

Отредактировано:24.08.11 18:25
To the ones who gave you the courage, at the graduation ball, to
make that walk across the dance floor, and head straight for the hottest
girl in your class.
A girl so cool, so incredible, and so totally out of your league as to be the stuff of pure fantasy.
To the ones who gave you the strength to utter – without trembling – those fateful words: "You wanna
And to the ones who gave you whatever it took to keep your cool when she said "okay", even though you were totally gob-smacked.
To the ones who earned you the respect of your mates, and seven and a half
minutes of heaven with her.
To the ones who gave you all that, you owe, big time.
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